The Seven Rules Of Corporate Metaverse

The Seven Rules Of Corporate Metaverse

“Companies can, will and should control their own realms within the Metaverse”

Tony Parisi I Global Head of AR/VR Ads & E-Commerce at Unity Technologies

Seven rules mentioned:

Rule 1 – Organizations can have their own Corporate Metaverse
The Metaverse has potential by offering a collection of all publicly accessible virtual worlds, from virtual arts and crafts, games, and travel experiences to a remote presence in virtual meetings with colleagues. Organizations, however, need a more focused subset of virtual experiences primarily aimed at helping employees in their daily professional activities.
Companies are willing to enter Metaverse, but they can’t risk making everything accessible to everyone. This would be the equivalent of having an open-door policy in your physical offices. For that, companies need to be able to control user and data access for their ‘Corporate Metaverse’.

Rule 2 – The Corporate Metaverse is for everyone in your organization
The Corporate Metaverse can offer experiences for an organization, ranging from a first virtual job interview, virtual onboarding, and training to daily virtual meetings, design reviews, technical troubleshooting, and the list can go on.

Rule 3 – You control your Corporate Metaverse
Experiences created for private use would be expected to be afforded the proper safeguards and protections, treated much like private spaces in the physical world. The Corporate Metaverse must be controlled by the organization. While this may limit the scope of the Corporate Metaverse in comparison with the Metaverse, it also means that it’ll be much more relevant to people inside the organization.

Rule 4 – The Corporate Metaverse is open, if you’re invited
Corporate Metaverse is built upon interoperable technologies and connected using well-defined communication protocols. But whereas the Metaverse is open to everyone, access to the Corporate Metaverse is by invitation only and restricted to people – those include employees, customers, partners, vendors, suppliers.

Rule 5 – The Corporate Metaverse is hardware-independent
The content in the Corporate Metaverse will be spatial, which users can experience in 3D. This does not mean that hardware support is limited to VR headsets. Members of an organization can interact with the Corporate Metaverse using the hardware device they are most accustomed to.

Rule 6 – The Corporate Metaverse is a network
Applications can exchange information or even allow users to meet virtually across these different applications using well-defined network protocols.
Whereas the Metaverse is a completely open network, connecting all publicly accessible virtual experiences, the Corporate Metaverse is a closed network allowing selected virtual experiences within an organization to be connected and accessible to all members of the organization.

Rule 7 – The Corporate Metaverse is your Intranet
Compared to the Internet, an intranet has a distinct set of functions that are primarily aligned with helping employees communicate, collaborate, and share within an organization.

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