Following-Up with Connections At Magento Imagine 2018

Following-Up with Connections At Magento Imagine 2018

Maturing new leads takes time but it doesn’t mean that you just sit back and wait for your prospective client (you met at Magento Imagine 2018) to reach out to you after months.

To remind the client about you by providing a recap of the dialogue held, a follow-up email is an ideal way to continue without being bothersome, and it further builds confidence.

However, you need something better than a “just following up …” email, not something which doesn’t inspire confidence or offer any value to your potential client. The client is probably receiving many emails so your follow-up email’s messaging and purpose has to be relevant, written to garner a response, and useful — this part is vital to maintaining the relationship.

Just remember, do not let your networking go to waste! Have a strong followup plan post-event to reconnect with the clients you met at Magento Imagine. You can start by reaching out to state, “It was nice to meet you (or pleasant to see you again). I truly enjoyed our conversation about ‘this and this’.” Keep your selling tactics and product information for later unless they requested it. With a short follow up message, it is confirmed that the client has your contact information in case your business card gets lost.

[su_box title=”Here’s a complete sample of a follow-up email”]

Hi there, [client]

It was great meeting you and your team today. We enjoyed learning more about [prospect’s business], your efforts in Magento, and your goals for this season. We’ve worked with a few businesses that have struggled with [challenge], so I know how hard it can be.

We have actually written about a client who worked to overcome [a particular challenge] and I thought I’d pass this along to you. It may be beneficial to see how another company [in a particular industry/category] solved the challenge.

Additionally, I thought I’d recap a few points from our meeting today and what is next. Let me know if I missed anything or if further clarification is required:

You talked …
You pointed out …
We discussed …

We decided we’d have a followup call in mid-May. Here are a few dates and times that work for me:

May X at noon
May X at 12:30
May X at noon

You mentioned that you presented on [topic]. Do you mind passing along a link to the recording or the SlideShare of this talk? I’d like to discuss it with my employees.

Thank You


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